
What I Learned Through my 19 Years Healthcare Life Journey Through 2025

January 9, 2025

New Year’s break is always a time for reconciliation, starting in thinking about the year we had and the achievements we acquired so far, and looking on the horizon for the immense missions and millstones we still have ahead. It’s written in the bible that once you extant your assets and growth you also exponentially expand your commitments and worries, and the good old phrase “economic freedom” is sooner than later switched to more demanding and commitments work time spam, to support the growth and development. This magic circle is here to stay until one can make an exit and then be in this intersection of choosing, his path going forward. All this is true and correct or else you are committed to your vision, that being driven by a purpose, that is strong enough to fulfill you with joy and internal happiness. Working hard for a purpose that justifies it and is part of your core values is never too hard if it is accompanied by satisfactory internal feelings that are beyond the explanatory. Getting to this holistic feeling is nothing you cannot buy in money or a tangible asset, but rather a point in life that you can get to after a journey that shapes your personality and illuminates the values that drive your happiness and satisfaction.

So, what I learned through the 19 years of my life journey in the pharmaceutical field:

 I learned that knowledge is power and a day without learning is a spent day that won’t return. You must keep learning and commit to it with a firm schedule and targets of X number of hours per week for reading and education to keep up with today’s fast-moving world.

–          I learned that you can’t be in the top quartile and a competitive position without heavily embracing technology, especially generative AI, automation, ChatGPT, and similar tools.

–          I learned that you need to fulfill your dreams and that you only feel bad about things you didn’t do rather than things you do. Failing is part of your journey to success; whoever doesn’t fail probably won’t succeed.

–          I learned that you can’t do everything by yourself, and if you try, you can get only as far as you can. If you really want to go big you must leverage your team and multiple powers with excellent people around, which could expedite your path to success.

–          I learned that doing exceptional things comes with a lot of resistance and skepticism and it’s part of the process, know to live with that or don’t go there in the first place. Being persistent and convincing is part of the journey that will drive people to support you.

–          I learned that if you give 100% of yourself in a field in which you hold a knowledge advantage, go all in, and don’t look back, you have too many things that will try to slow you down, but your knowledge will propel your path to success.

–          I learned that Trust and Respect are the two most important elements in every business or personal engagement, regardless of size or location. Those are the two most important legs, and if kept cohesively, they can significantly increase one’s path to success.

–          I learned that every person has strengths and weaknesses. If you would like to master your team, you should properly analyze and identify each member’s unique value proposition and build small teams within the organization that could complement and enhance each other. Do not try to change a person beyond his competencies but encourage him to be a master in he’s field.

–          I learned through a dream, that sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard you work or push, some things just happen in their own time and fashion. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard or invest, it just means that don’t be over disappointed if you don’t reach your targets immediately, success and breakthrough take time.

–          I learned that spending time with your family and beloved friends is essential for prosperity and self-balance. Once your soul is peaceful you have unlimited bandwidth to dream and prosper.

–          I learned that I prefer to have “lazy employees” who try to find creative and technological solutions to perform their missions profoundly. As they will contribute more to the company over time.

–          I learned that ChatGPT and similar technologies won’t replace people but people that are using them will replace people that don’t use them.

–          I learned that money can’t buy you happiness and that it is just an asset in your life journey. Money can only provide you tangible benefits that will hold effect for a limited time. Understanding that, could open you to a new way of thinking that will help you utilize the money to accomplish your true goals in life which are beyond tangibility.

–          I learned that true love could provide you the stability, and peacefulness that will be your catalyst for continuous grow and accomplishing your life mission.

–          I learned that every problem is an opportunity, depending on which lens you are looking with. Harnessing the creativity lenses could reveal hidden opportunities.

–          I also learned that ChatGPT can’t replace you in expressing yourself in your unique way and that the world and (LinkedIn bot) can acknowledge that quite quickly and efficiently.

–          I learned that harnessing people to commit to their job in exceptional manner could only be driven by mutual meaningful vision rather than monetize outcomes over time.

–          I learned that real friends are usually the people that know you long enough to explore your positive and negative sides overtime, and they accept you as you are. Short-term friendships built around mutual interest satisfaction, that is shaped and challenged overtime. The one that stay in the end of this journey can named as real friends.

–          And finally, being good, prospering good, and thinking positively will always pay off in the long run, and it doesn’t matter how many examples you give me. The universe is round and what comes around goes around. Your name and reputation are better than any tangible thing you can offer over time.


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My life journey so far has taught me to be thankful for what I have, and excited about the future. The toolbox I acquire through my journey will hopefully help me to achieve my goals, accept the challenges and enjoy the ride. You can only be as successful as your imagination coupled with your motivation to accomplish your life missions. It’s completely O.K. that your missions will change over time for the better, as your personality changes and your life journey reveals more parameters and information that shuffle your priorities. Just remember to be good, kind, and respectful to all the people you meet in your journey and cherish the ones that share the same values as yours and stimulate both your professional and personal growth going forward.

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